Zone Conference this last week with a sweet note from his mission mom!
Here is the e-mail...
Hey everyone!
I just have 2 things to say real quick. 1st, WE BAPTIZED EXXX. If paige woodward ever reads the blog, tell her that I baptized her little brother. I try to get some pictures sent from the baptism of me and my companion with PXXX and his family. Heh heh. 2nd, ALLISON'S BABY IS DUE ON MY YEAR MARK. Not a coincidence. Now you have to name him Elder Rutherford Alexander Elswood Morris IV. But I digress!
So, this week was amazing. We're really on track for our zone goal. I don't know if that means anything to anyone, but we've been killing ouselves to pull everything together for the July 7 baptisms. Our missionaries here are rockstars, we've got a killer zone. But the biggest thing is all the little miracle-investigators that popped up out of nowhere. Yesterday IXXX got baptized. She was the one down in ZXXX who called Elder MXXX out of nowhere. We had lots of investigators at EXXX's baptism last saturday. TXXX, the woman who broke her foot the day before I did was there. We did splits and so I was able to teach her with Elder BXXX after EXXX's baptismal service. That was awesome because for some reason I really get along with that investigator. She said that while she was at the baptism she felt something she has never felt before at any other church. We explained that the mission of the Holy Ghost is to help people come to know truth, and that the feeling she had was probably an answer that this is what she needs. She's accepting everything really well and we blew threw a lot of her big concerns that lesson by teaching some simple restored doctrine about the nature of the Godhead. Moments like that are what make a mission worth it.
EXXX is the man. He got confirmed yesterday and stayed at church for all three hours. That boy is going on a mission!! I want to make sure he gets ready because he's solid. Okay, so he's only twelve. He's so amazing though. The branch president had him come up and introduce himself over the pulpit after his confirmation (for some reason), and so he told how many people are in his family and what year he is in school. Then, president asked him to say what he likes to do with his free time, and EXXX said "I like to study the Bible and talk about it with my mom." I got a kick out of that. He's the coolest. We're going to stop by today because he's celebrating his 12th birthday and we promised we'd stop by for a half hour. Also, we're going to start working with his sister to get her baptized. That family's the best. That's my favorite part about the mission is the interaction with the investigators and the members. We have the largest branch in the mission (70-75 people) and I'm stoked because I know I've got at least one cycle left her in SXXX. All my other areas I've been kicked out after a cycle, but now I'm settling down here as the old king of SXXX. Zone Lord. Goodness gracious, Sam. It weirded me out when you said that until I read where it was from. Anyways, I'm loving this area/branch. I feel like I've got some really good bonds with members here. Lurve them.
This email is SO explicit. Way too many names. Sorry everyone.
Let's talk one more time about how Levi's little baby is going to be born on my year-mark of my mission. That's pretty dang cool.
Moving on. I'm not sure what else to say... We've got a lot going on this week. I'm going to be out of my area for a day and a half because we've got visa trips. I'm going to the Kyiv Temple. Cry cry. Seriously, this is a big day for me. I can't even imagine what it will be like when there's a temple in our mission. Saratov's making leaps and bounds towards a Stake right now... I'm feelin' the pressure... Man I want to stay here until the end of my mission. Which reminds me that I have a broken foot that mom wanted me to talk about. After I wrote last week, we went to a nice (nice) clinic where the doctors don't hate americans and they took care of me. They gave me a good diagnosis, told me where it's broken and stuff. It's just a tiny little fracture in the 3rd and 4th bones on the right side and it's healing up nicely. I've been starting to put weight on it while using the crutches and things are looking good. Give me about another week and a half and I'll be good! It hasn't held me back too much. I've been living in that huge apartment with Elder BXXX and LXXX and HXXX, and we just switch off going to different meetings in a taxi. I've been doing all the regular missionary work except for street contacting. Lame.
So that's all the time I have! Love you all so much!! Thanks for the gr8 emails. Pass a hello to Levi and Allison and Chris. I'll be sending some good letters off today... for the first time in a long time.... Tell hi to the brothers and hopers. I love my brosephs!! Keep those boys on track!! They're amazing!! (Hope too)
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